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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Devotion - A Young Woman After God's Own Heart, by Elizabeth George

Chapter 1
A Heart Devoted to God

But only one thing is needed. Mary
had chosen what is better, and it will
not be taken away from her.
Luke 10:42

Have you ever felt nervous...fidgety...on edge...cranky? Sort of like your life was falling apart and you were losing control? And even though you knew it and you didn't want to act the way you were, you kept on stomping through your day, lashing out at anybody and everybody who crossed your path-you're parents, your brother or sister, your friend, a salesperson?

Well, my new friend, you are not alone! This happened to a woman in the Bible-a woman just like you and me-who got too worked up. In fact, she was a wreck! Her name is Martha, and Martha was a friend of Jesus.

What happened?

What happened to put Martha over the edge? In a few words, Jesus and His disciples were coming to her house. Wow! Now that should have been the best day of Martha's life! But Martha went into a tailspin. Why? Because Martha got too involved in the activities of her life-activities like...

serving Jesus and
working for Jesus.

And in all her serving and working, Martha failed to just...

stop and enjoy Jesus and
worship Him.

And how did Martha's busyness and the neglect of her spiritual life show? You guessed it-she got nervous...fidgety...on edge...cranky. And then she fell apart and lost control. Not only was Martha stomping through  her day, but she was stomping through the kitchen, the dining room, and the family room. She even lashed out at her sister, Mary. And then ( horror of horrors!) she lashed out at Jesus! :O

What Was Wrong?

Martha was definitely out of control. And that led her to saying things she shouldn't have said, to blaming others for her awful condition, to bossing everyone around (even Jesus! :O), to comparing the amount of work she was doing with the amount of work her sister was (or wasn't!) doing, to complaining, to emoting...well, I'm sure you get the picture.

But, what was wrong?

From God's Word to Your Heart...

Looking at the Bible's account and what it tells us about both Mary and Martha will answer all our questions. Read it below. It's what I call "the tale of two sisters." And while you're reading it, notice what Jesus said was wrong in Martha's heart. Notice, too, the words the Bible-and Jesus- use to describe Martha's conduct. And Don't fail to catch how Mary is described and what good thing Jesus had to say about her.

As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, " Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!"

" Martha, Martha," the Lord answered. " you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."
( Luke 10:38-42)

What Made the Difference?

As we learn these two sisters, we mustn't miss the fact that both of them loved Jesus (see verses 38-39). Both loved our Lord and served Him. But in this scene there was a greater difference in their behaviors, which revealed something about what was going on in there hearts at the time.

You see, Mary not only loved serving the Lord, but she loved listening to him. I mean, the split second Jesus started talking, Mary stopped! Her service came to a screeching halt, and she stopped, set her serving dishes aside, and took a seat at Jesus' feet. Why? So she could listen to Him-not just do for Him! After all, He had " the words of eternal life" (John 6:68).

So our dear Mary demonstrated a heart devoted to God by hearing His words and by worshiping Him. She was obsessed with Jesus. My guess is that Mary also loved the quieter disciplines of the Christian life-like sitting down in a favorite place to meditate on Scripture, to pray to God, and maybe even write in a journal of diary. Whether this is true or not, we do definitely know that Mary knew when and how to make the choice to stop all the busy-ness of life and spend time with God.

And here's another point we don't want to miss. Surely Mary did her work. But Mary made sure her choices gained her the all-important time she needed to take care of her devotion and commitment to God. Yes, hers was a hearts devoted to God.

What is a Heart Devoted to God?

Because Mary was a woman after God's own heart, her heart was devoted to Him. She was preoccupied with one thing at all times-Him! As I said above, Mary was obsessed with the Lord. Therefore Mary  consistently made one choice, one decision, that caused Jesus to speak of her as He did. And what was that one choice? Mary chose to spend time hearing God through His Word and worshiping God in her heart. In other words, Mary chose to spend some of her precious time with the Lord!

Yes, But How?

I know you want to be a woman after God's own heart too, just like Mary was. So how can you move in that direction? Consider these three tried-and-true ways

1. Choose to spend time with God-Here's how one woman after God's own heart put it: " I don't want to be robbed of even one of God's riches by not taking time to let Him invade my life. By not listening to what He is telling me. by allowing the routine, pressing matters of my minutes to bankrupt me of time for the most exciting, most fulfilling relationship in life."

Now, how can you make time in your busy day for " the most exciting, most fulfilling relationship in life"? For listening to God? For spending time with Him? For letting Him invade your life?

Listen to what my daughters' high school pastor told their youth group amount spending time with God. He asked them, " Would you be willing to go on a bit of a fast each day, a time fast? Would you be willing to...

...say no to some time watching TV,
...say no  to some time on the telephone,
...say no to some time with friends,
...say no to some time in the mall, in order to
...say yes to some time with God?"

And now the question is, would you?

2. Choose God's way at every opportunity-" In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight" (Proverbs 3:6) could be the theme verse of this entire book-and life! This well-loved verse describes a two-step partnership with God. Our part is to stop and acknowledge God along the way. God part is to direct our paths and make them straight. his means, that we are to consult with God regarding our every decision, word, thought, and response. This means that before we move ahead or before we react to someone or something, we need to stop and pray first, " God, what would You have me do-or think or say-here?" If you do this you'll find the principles in this poem to be true for you and the choices you make.

Good, better, best,
never let it rest
until your good is better,
and your better best.

Don't you think this practice of stopping and consulting God before acting (and reacting) like Martha did would help you and me to make the good, better and best choices in the situations that we confront each day? Don't you think this habit would make us more like Mary?

3. Commit yourself to God daily-In Romans 12:1, the apostle Paul says "to offer you bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing unto God-this is your spiritual act of worship." As we consider our desire to commit ourselves to God daily, I want you to begin a new practice this week based on Romans 12:1. I want you to begin committing yourself to God daily. And how could you do that? Here's how one man did it. He wrote down a list of what he called "his rules to live by every day." And what was #1 on his list?

Make a daily, definite. audible dedication
of yourself to God. Say it out loud-
" Lord, today I give myself anew to you."

Why not make such a commitment to God daily for a week? And then why not seek to make it a habit for life?

4. Cultivate a hot heart-God has a few things to say to us in Revelation 3:15-16 about our heart condition. Read it for yourself:

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So because you are lukewarm (neither hot nor cold) I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

I think it's pretty obvious, according to this scripture, which heart condition God considers the worst! And it gets even more serious as we think about these bone-chilling facts:

* To be considered cold-hearted means to be unemotional, unconscious of God. Imagine being unemotional about the things of God!

* And to be lukewarm means to be indifferent . Imagine being indifferent toward God!

* But the third heart temperature is to be yours as a woman after God's own heart. You are to be hot-hearted. That means that the heat of your heart and emotion reaches a high temperature. That means boiling over! And such high heat is usually paired up with violent activity, emotion, excitement, and passion. It's fiery! As I said, that's the heart of someone-you!-who's committed to God

Now, what is your heart's desire...and your hearts temperature toward God?

I know this was long, but it really hit me when I read it! Shelby ;D

Monday, March 29, 2010

Boys Are Like Waffles - "Waiting on Dating"

Alright, here I am ready to talk to you about the craziest subject ever. Well, maybe not ever. But it is pretty crazy. Especially for me. ;)
Dating. It can be wonderful, exciting, special, fabulous, and thrilling. But it can also be heartbreaking, hard, scary, painful, and it can really ruin a person. I think that in today's society we don't necessarily focus on the scary parts of dating. We've moved into a time where so much significance is put on being in a relationship. Everyone's doing it, and if you're not there's something wrong with you. And that's a lie that's hammered into our heads.
For a long time I've had my opinions on dating. And I sort of have a heart for the topic; I'm definitely what you would call a romantic. So I love to talk about dating and even debate it with other people. Basically, I've always believed that dating should be taken serious. People are very effected by being in a relationship. And if you're not ready for one and yet you continue to jump into it, you're going to end up landing hard. And it's going to hurt. But most people don't like to look at it that way. "We're just having fun" They say, or "I love him, this is okay.." And sadly people believe this enough to go into things way to far and it hurts even worse.
Alright, I may be getting off on a bunny trail now.. Basically ever since I was little I was convinced that I was going to trust God to date. My parents always influenced me by talking of dating as something that you're supposed to do when you're older. And then I read the book I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris, and that basically supported my opinions. It also encouraged me to focus on serving Jesus while I waited. And I continued to get older..
But now, now I'm being tested in my opinions. For a long time I thought that I was going to wait until I was 18 before I dated. No questions asked.
[Now, it needs to be mentioned that this did not stop me from liking guys. I'm definitely boy crazy sometimes. And many a time I had quite a crush on a certain boy here and there, but I always knew I couldn't pursue it.]
So where am I going with all of this? Well, I've learned lately that no matter how much you learn something, it's totally another thing to live it. You can say you're going to do something for a long time, but then when the time comes to do it you may get nervous or second guess your whole idea to begin with. I'm here to encourage you to wait on dating. And I'm saying that now with a full knowledge of what I'm asking. I realize it's hard. I realize dating can look really good. But that's when we need to be super cautious.
Make sure you're completely in love with Jesus before you ever enter into a relationship with a guy (and make sure he's completely in love with Jesus too!). And never stop praying about it. If you try and make a relationship work on your own, it's probably not going to make it. Even if it does, it's not going to be as good as it could be. Give it to Jesus. Because He loves you way more than any guy ever can, and He wants you to have healthy, happy relationships.
Relationships are supposed to be good. And every good gift, and every perfect gift, is from God above. :) He wants you to be happy, and He doesn't want to see you get hurt. I promise you, and I promise myself; that if we wait on God's timing for a relationship, we're going to be so much happier!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Devotions - Lies YOUNG Women Believe (and the truths that sets them free) - About Guys - It's Ok To Go Out With a Non-Christian

"Lies Young Women Believe....And The Truth That Sets Them Free" by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Dannah Gresh

"It's OK To Go Out With Non-Christian"

This one was tricky. Overwhelmingly the girls we spoke to agreed that you should not marry a non-Christian. But remember, it's one thing to know Truth; it's another thing to believe it to the point of allowing it to operate in your life. As we probed a little more deeply this is what we found.

*I really want to marry a Christian, but I'm not looking for marriage right now, so I don't really care.

*I don't really think it matters if the guys I date are Christian or not. For one, we're just in high school. I don't really think that religion is an issue right now.

This seems to be one of thoses areas where many know the right answer, but there are some really lame excuses for why you don't have to live according to the Truth right now. Those excuses include:

*Sometimes its fun to just go out and flirt and all that stuff and not take it too seriously.

*You could influence him and bring him to youth group and church.

*If you plant a seed, it can make a beautiful flower. You're spreading God's Word, whether it works out or not. If you can compromise, think about it...you can impact a non-Christian.

The question is-are you planting seeds of purity and faith, or seeds of compromise? We're not going to go easy on you here. This is a huge issue with more serious, potential implications for the rest of your life than you can possibly imagine.

God doesn't want you to be "tied" to unbelievers. His Word is clear that we should not form binding relationship with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14-18). Marriage is the ultimate binding relationship. God does not want you to be tied to an unbeliever in marriage-and the power to live out that conviction begins now. If you compromise now, you'll be far more likely to compromise when you're ready for marriage.
Don't tell yourself,  " It's just a casual relationship. I would never marry this guy." Maybe not. But if you invest time, interest, effort and thought in a guy...sooner or later, you may well find yourself making life-impacting decisions you never dreamed you would make.

Not only does God want you to marry a Christian; He wants you to marry a man who will lead you spiritually. He desires for all of your relationships to draw you closer to Him and to enable you to serve Him more effectively. The Scripture actually uses the word "yoked" to describe being tied together in a binding relationship (2 Corinthians 6:14). Imagine two cattle yoked into a harness to carry one load. If one is weak, how great a burden will that be to the strong one? How much will the weak one hold the strong one back?

This is one area where there is no room for compromise. Satan is seeking to rob you of a future filled with joy, peace, and the opportunity to glorify God wit you life. It's not worth trading all that in for a relationship with a guy who doesn't have a heart for God and for a future that could end up filled with pain and heartache.

Over the years, many women have poured out their hearts to us about deep regrets they have over choice they have made relating to dating, courtship and marriage. They would give anything to be able to go back and relive that part of their lives. Unfortunately. that's just not possible. As I (Nancy) listen to these women share their heartaches, I often think, " I wish every young woman could hear this story-before it's too late!"

We want to spare you the kind of heartache others have experienced. We want you to enjoy God's very best for the rest of your life. So we're going to give you a challenge. We want to urge you to make a serious commitment.  (You may think you're too young now to be even thinking about dating, much less marriage! But now is the time to develop wise, godly convictions.)

I purpose never to become involved in a relationship with a guy who is not a true follower of Jesus Christ and whose character and lifestyle are not consistent with the kind of man I believe God wants me to marry someday.

You may think that standard sounds unnecessarily high for "casual dating". But think about it-if you never date a guy who would not be qualified to be a godly husband, you will significantly decrease your chances of ending up in a troubled marriage. We're confident this is one commitment you'll never regret making!

If you're willing to take this pledge, go to http://www.liesyoungwomenbelieve.com/ and join others who are signing up online!

Shelby ;D

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Daughter of the King - Mirror

Daughter of the King


The reason why I drew this picture, was because some girls, when they look in the mirror, they see the small things at a bigger scale. God see's you as a princess, and loves you, even if you have a pimple, glasses, braces or whatever. He loves you for you. The world doesn't care about your heart, only what you look like. God cares about what's on the inside, and to Him, that's beautiful.

This is from Jenny Lucado's devotional, ' Redefining Beautiful'

Some days I like him. Most days I hate him. But I do have to admit, he's honest. He'll always tell me if I have food in my teeth or a booger in my nose. He isn't afraid to let me know if a certain shirt is too tight or if a color doesn't complement my skin. I appreciate the honesty, but he is deceiving all the same. Deceiving because anytime he tells me, " Just get this cute shirt and feel better about yourself" or " Just lose five pounds and be forever happy," it doesn't work. I'm never good enough for him.

I try not to hang out with him too much, or else I can easily fall into his trap of discouragement - " Jenna, I see that cellulite back there. Your skin is looking pretty oily these days. Those teeth could use come whitening!" I try to block out his lies that tell me I'm not good enough, that I'm not beautiful, but it's hard.

I'm sure you've met him. He tends to pop up in all sorts of places: bathrooms, cars, department stores, gyms. And I'm sure you've felt some of these insecurities when standing in front of him.

                                                                       His name?

Unfortunately, the mirror rarely tells me how beautiful I am. He never notices when I have helped my mom clean the kitchen or when I avoid gossip at the lunch table. Even when I'm having a great hair day, he just notices that pimple on my chin. Because of him, sometimes I wonder if the word beautiful could ever describe me.

Beautiful: adj. 1. Having attractive qualities that give great delight or satisfaction to see, hear think about, ect. 2. excellent of its kind. 3. particularly graceful, lovely, or pretty...

Okay, so that may be the dictionary definition of beautiful, but let's get real. Mirror, along with his other sidekicks like TV and Magazine, seem to determine what is beautiful and what is not. We have to let boys tell us whether or not we are beautiful, and sometime we even let the popular group of girls at school define what beauty is.

Because of all of the thousands of definitions people have for beauty, we can easily get confused and struggle to see ourselves as beautiful. But the truth is, Mirror got it all wrong! He never uses the most important definition, the one that clearly states what beautiful really is:

                                           Beautiful: what God sees when He sees you.

Shelby ;D
Monday, March 1, 2010

Devotion - A Young Woman After God's Own Heart


What is your #1 problem today? What makes your heart heavy? Do you worry about your family's well-being? Is a friend struggling? Have you been feeling left out at school? Whatever it is, prayer is the answer. The Bible says to "cast" your problems and burdens on your heavenly Father. Isn't that absolutely great? You get to say to God, "Take all this stuff from me!" When you do this, you're putting "impossible" problems into His powerfl hands. God will tka e care of them...as only He can.

When you begin each day by giving allt he cares of your life to God in prayer, you'll feel freedom of having a weight lifted from your shoulders and your heart.

Lord, I give You everything that weighs me down. Sometimes I think it is up to me to carry everything that comes my way. But You are offering to take it all on and deal with every problem...even the really hard stuff. here it is, God. Take it all. Thank You! Amen.


Bethany Cook

Pray for Bethany Cook, she is having surgery on her shoulder tomorrow. She has been in massive, massive pain for a long, long time and the surgery should take care of it. She is nervous, I am sure you all can imagine. She is 16.
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Boys Are Like Waffles- "Guys vs. Girls"

So I was looking through the book.... "Guys Are Waffles... Girls Are Spaghettie" By Chad Eastham. Some of these things will really make you laugh as you realize how different guys and girls actually think!


1. Don't have to deny that they went tanning.
2. Get bonus points for watching sports.
3. It's not a big deal if you are a bad athlete.
4. No one can tell you ... "Stop acting like a girl"
5. You will never regret piercing your ears.
6. You don't have to pretend that there is something under your contact when you cry.
7. It does not kill your ego for the person you are dating to be better at something.
8. Talking... and watching people can make a good time!

Guys on the other hand...

1. Pack only one bag while going on a trip.
2. Kill food without feeling guilty for the animal.
3. Walk away from any problem by simply saying "Whatever" and walking away.
4. Get bonus points for simply being thoughtful.
5. Play a game with a friend for hours and not talk, without thinking... "He must be mad at me."
6. Have a conversation on the phone in under 30 seconds.
7. Always have a bathroom line that is 97.8% shorter!
8. Still be your friend if you forget to tell them something.

This is just to get you started on thinking about how the way guys think is different than the way girls think.

Abbie :)